About Me

Hi! I’m Eirinn Cunningham, and I’m a horror author, but one who writes ALL TYPES of stories. Several novels and different kinds of books are on the stove right now, including a short stories collection, a poetry collection (non-horror) and a zombie epic I’m working on for Kindle Vella. Here on my blog, you will find all things horror, from books, to movies and more. 90’s nostalgia is important to me, because that’s the time I remember most when growing up. The best example of this is the kid’s horror series Goosebumps by R.L. Stine. And who can forget the Fear Street series?

I will discuss movies also, from current favorites to old classics, and everything in between. The same goes for books! You’ll be informed of which books I like, and the ones that I don’t!

Finally, as I finish writing my books, information about them will be shared here, from synopses to cover art, and of course a link where you can pick up a copy. I hope to make this blog your place to go for horror info, and maybe to brighten your day, one post at a time.